Friday, April 17, 2009


over the last few weeks, we've discovered that when friday is fully relaxed her wrinkles come out in full force. and because all the skin around her head becomes looser, her ears really droop and even appear to dangle by her knobby little knees when she's sitting.


when she is nervous, her eyes become the size of quarters. witness below. the gentle leader (we call it the supreme dear leader a la kim jong-il) was recommended to us by many of our canine-loving friends and our great veterinarian. she is a joy to walk when it's on, but the trick is actually putting it on her. we're hoping that she'll soon make the connection that "supreme dear leader" = fun walks out and about (and not an evil north korean dictator).

Gentle Follower

since feidler passed, i had supressed the memory of drool being ever-present in our household.


let's just say, drool is back with a vengeance.

1 comment:

Zola said...

"...propensity for excessive drooling" Wikipedia :)