Wednesday, April 29, 2009

it's always fun when we have an excuse to leave the house

i'd like to thank ron and michelle for paying us a visit. they were so sweet and didn't complain very much even though dabney and i dragged them around with us as we ran our endless house errands, begged them to ooh and ah at our refinished doors, and not to mention, made them watch our dog while we packed up.


Auntie Michelle

Family Portrait

though we did manage to squeeze in some fun stuff including a trip to the arch...

Gateway Arch

Gateway Arch

... bruising our knees as we crawled around the mazes at the city museum.


... indulging in deliciously decadent soul food at sweetie pie's.

... and imbibing beers at the royale.

The Royale makes us happy.

1 comment:

cynthia kohl said...

The doors are gorgeous (so are you and your friends) (and friday).