Friday, April 03, 2009

friday lessons

Tangled up

the puppy classes are going swimmingly. friday is getting exposed to other puppies and all sorts of people. she's learned that hands and fingers are not chewtoys. she's able to lie down, has mastered sitting, and now knows what it means to "leave it."

if all goes well, little friday will be graduating "puppy I" on monday night, and we'll all move on to leash work next.  thank goodness (see first pic above).

here are bionic dog's stats this week:
length - 21"
weight - 26 lbs.
height - 18"
ear span - 20"


Notyomomma said...

Friggin' ADORABLE!

Unknown said...

she's getting so big!

hayes8705 said...

Cutest thing I have ever seen. I love how she can't even stand to look at it when you push it closer. I would videotape our two dogs demonstrating their "leave it" skills but it wouldn't be pretty.

Devery said...

Umm, can you come over and work with our dogs??