Friday, March 31, 2006

the best present, EVER.


ann is THE WORST when it comes to surprises, especially when she plans to do the surprising. (she also hates being surprised, as in birthday parties, but that's a story for another day.) mostly it's because she just can't contain her excitement.

so, for the last two weeks, ann has been telling dabney she would receive something in the mail. and that she would love it. no, she would LOVE it. and that is was a book. a great book that she would love. but that's all, that's ALL she was going to say.

every day ann would run down the street after the ups girl in her little brown shorts, and after she caught her (and mentally made out with her) she would ask after her package from

needless to say, dabney's expectations usually are - and in this case were - through the roof. but then, after she closed her eyes and put out her hands for ann to give her the book...

she fell in love.

a year in japan is kate williamson's journal of drawings based on her time in kyoto. really sweet illustrations accompany handwritten notes describing snippets of japanese culture- things like mochi, rock gardens, electric rugs, and the prominence of socks. the precision and whimsy with which things are depicted seem to really capture the spirit of japan.


both ann and dabney loved seeing the same kinds of things that made them giggle while there.


1 comment:

Ashbloem said...

Oooo! Fun! I want to have a look-see.