Friday, January 16, 2009

foamy goodness and no, it's not beer

dabney is so sensitive to cold, an open refrigerator can cause her to put on a sweater. (i like to think it's the floridian in her.) so to seal up all the cracks and crevices of our old house, we've chosen to go with spray foam insulation rather than traditional pink fiberglass. 

foam will not only keep the place warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer - it's fire and insect resistant.
Insulated (by ann-dabney)

the upstairs ceiling has blown-in-blanket insulation to keep us toasty.
Loose-fill insulation on ceilings (by ann-dabney)

next week, we'll see drywall get installed. and presto - the place will start to look like a real house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love watching them blow in insulation on This Old House! So cool. (Or should that be warm...?)