Friday, October 03, 2008

hello, partner!

when we bought the old store/new house, you may recall - it had a ton of junk in it. before closing, we requested that the owners clean out the space of everything... but this.

Partner Desk

a partner desk! now, dabney and i can work across from each other. i know, i know - as if we don't see enough of each other already. but i have always wanted one of these desks, ever since i saw the movie "say anything." remember the scenes at diane court's house? she and her father shared this incredible office. fyi - it's the same room that contains the notorious lock box in which dear old dad hid all the embezzled nursing home money. (sorry to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it and if so, shame on you.)

Partner desk in Say Anything

this room is emblazoned in my memory because of that partner desk.

back to our new/old desk... there's only a couple of problems with it. you can see that it's has been use a lot. look at all the worn places from fingers closing the drawers.

Partner Desk

we're gonna paint the sucker a beautiful bright color TBD.

problem #2...

Partner Desk

oops. sometime in its long history, someone lost a drawer. it's not too big of a deal. but now, we're on the hunt for a solution. first choice, of course, would be to replace the drawer. that being said, this desk is probably at least 40 years old and it may prove to be too difficult to find a perfect match. plan b: camouflage it with a faux front.

the desk is a tank, which presents problem #3 - moving it.


AIMÉE DOWL said...

You should go out to TJ -- I bet there's a drawer in a 40-year-old desk out there somewhere...

Also, in So Cal they used mirrored windows. It's a treatment of some kind that let's you see out and no one can see in. The look is a little weird for St. Louis, but it's one way to do it.

annie-san said...

raiding a tj desk! great idea.

Unknown said...

you need some industrial sliders to move the desk. THose suckers really work.