Tuesday, October 31, 2006

random thoughts on postal uniforms

you ever notice how freakin' adorable mail carrier uniforms are? last week while skimming one of boston's many free rags, i saw an advertisement for opportunities in the postal service. and i have to admit, the vain side of me made me linger over the page a little longer than the average reader thinking, "oh, at least i'd get to wear cute outfits!"

i have always been a fan of the blue-grey zippy cardigan and tuxedo-stripe shorts. it just so happens that today's spring-like temperatures inspired mike, our letter carrier, to choose this ensemble.

but c'mon! what other regular job (ok, fine, other than explorer or superhero) would allow you to wear a pith helmet, a fur cap, or a cape?



ann & dabney said...

you moving to chicago?! hey- at least that's a little closer, if so.

Notyomomma said...

Our postal workers definitely do not wear enough capes. As a matter of fact, people in general don't wear enough capes. How can we get capes into the normal fashion regime? I'm going to obsess about this all day, I've decided.