Friday, August 05, 2005

a brush with the devil (okay, just the suburbs)

aside from ann's hallucinations about re-locating to the midwest, superette had a great trip to st. louis. still, ann and dabney (and especially dabney) are very happy to be back in new england. they love their walkable city, with its distinct charm and lack of strip mall and SUV driving culture. besides, let's not forget they would cease to be married in missouri (gasp!). like clockwork, as soon as ann crossed the border to massachusetts, she slapped herself and asked, "what was i thinking?" it must of been st. louis' low cost of living, the central air-conditioning, or the acres of available parking that led to her temporary insanity. to dabney's fall-down-and-kiss-the-ground relief, they appear to have been fleeting feelings. this time anyway.


Anonymous said...

SUV driving is not so bad.

Anonymous said...

SUVs suck