Monday, July 11, 2005

flirting with skirts

there was the mini. there was the maxi. now, there is the "dabney."

dabney has always dreamed of making her own clothing. now, with the help of a sewing stars pattern, slightly modified to accommodate a zipper, she has. over the weekend, dabney stitched up two a-line skirts, one brown and one navy blue.

she wore the appropriately somber navy one to little blue scooter's wake last night.


and then she took a close-up of the brown one this morning, so you could see the teal blue stitching on the bottom.



Ashbloem said...

And the skirts were great!! I was so jealous!

Anonymous said...

Just smashing Dab! You did a lovely job on the skirts. I am sorry you had to christen the blue one in at such a solemn event as the Scooter wake.

So next time you run into Joan River's and she asks "Who are you wearing" you can answer with calm repose..."myself." So actually maybe you should make Ann the clothes so she can say she's wearing You;)