Tuesday, May 26, 2009

moving in

sorry to leave you hanging for so long...

the truth is we've been busy making our house a home. but here's what it looked like the day we took over...
we're in!

there was still paper on the windows and a few more surfaces in need of paint, but it was clean and empty and ready for our stuff.

a few hours later...
we're in!

and that paper? it had to come down. it made the place feel dark and unfinished.
we're in!

instead, we figured out a temporary (and cheap) alternative to window film for all the storefront windows... coroplast cut to our windows dimensions works great.  we just tacked 'em in to keep them from falling.
we're in!
looks nice, no?  this room is the exact opposite of our old boston digs: lots of windows, high ceilings, and plenty of light. or as carrrrrrmen put it, "It's like the bizarro version of your S. End apt."

so far, we set up our living area/kitchen and put together our bed - places to sit, eat, and sleep. that's about it.  over the next few weeks, we'll be chipping away at all our boxes still sitting in the basement.

you'd think that all this moving and settling might stop us from entertaining? nope. our first event is this thursday, as in the day after tomorrow. we're throwing a thank you party for our architect, contractor, crew, and subcontractors. we can't wait!

more soon...


zola said...


Rana said...

It looks amazing! It makes me miss you seeing all your stuff reincarnated in a big bright room:)

z. said...


happyowlglass said...

Congratulations!!! You're finally in! Ah, I remember the days when it was all in our minds... so nice to see the photos, and I wish we were closer to crash your 'thank-you' party (that is so nice of you!). I'll bet they'll really appreciate that. The place looks great!!!