Wednesday, November 05, 2008

blue pockets on a big red santa suit

HALLELUJAH. change is in the air.

last night, we had the opportunity to celebrate obama's victory amongst our own. a kind new neighbor, and former schoolmate of mine, invited us over for an election night party.  we raised glasses of champagne and shot a handful of illegal fireworks in front of our house which just happens to be three doors down.  people stepped out onto their porches gleefully. cars honked emphatically.  it felt like new year's eve. dabney and i were reminded of the night the red sox reversed their 86 year curse and won the world series.

Little Blue Pockets (by ann-dabney)missouri is undoubtedly a red state with tiny blue (and luckily heavily-populated blue) pockets.  despite our relocation to a batteground state, our two votes just wasn't enough to bring an obama victory.  as happy as i was with the overall national results, a part of me was sad that missouri, our new home, chose to be on the wrong side of history last night.  it was close and as i write this, it seems that no national network has called the state.  but it looks like mccain might have squeaked out a win. 

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