Thursday, March 20, 2008

sorry, moms and moms-to-be

because so many of you out there are either: a) thinking about having children, b) in the process of trying to get preggers, c) actually anticipating a birth in the near future, or d) have a child(ren) - i should clarify my feelings on the boston globe article on the influx of babies in our neighborhood. i also apologize.

i certainly don't mean to offend, but i guess IT WAS THAT DAMN SLIDESHOW that got my goat. i've witnessed a whirlwind of change in the south end since i chose to settle here in 1996. i've seen packies become cafés, gay bookstores become $30+ entree restaurants, and gas stations become ateliers. the moms in those pictures represent to me the changing face of neighborhood in general and it wasn't because they're moms. i guess if the slideshow had featured four young chinese mothers from castle square i might not have had the reaction that i did. but there they were -- pushing their matching bugaboos, going to baby beethoven classes, lunching... it just drove me nuts. the moms and their bugaboos are simply an easy target at which to point fingers. my finger and of course, this dude's.

we recently received a friendly note from a realtor who we worked with this time last year as we were looking to move to dorchester. at the time, she got a kick out of us leaving the south end for dot. her notecard happily mentioned that many of our neighbors have been packing up and moving to the savin and jones hill areas, and of course, employing her services. sigh. point made.

it's time to get out of dodge.

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