Tuesday, June 12, 2007

show us something gayer than karaoke.

to celebrate gay pride weekend here in boston, our two gay boyfriends/neighbors threw a last minute party. they provided the space, and we brought the karaoke machine (and the girls).

for all you planning parties out there, just say the words "microphone" and "songlist" and an hour later, about thirty folks will show up at your door and won't leave until seven point five hours later. they might be tipsy, and their voices scratchy, but they will be happy.

and so they were this weekend.

highlights included the entire party's standing rendition of "somewhere over the rainbow", alexia's soulful delivery of "killing me softly", and matt's all-night medley (from here on out, he'll forever be known as dr. karaoke). his cher ROCKED indeed.


carlessinnebraska said...

it was a good time indeed! the karaoke machine will forever be the hottest party accessory!

tomoko said...

once again, the best purchase you've ever made. the top shot says it all. That's neighborhood love.

(btw, totally unrelated (and I'm sorry) i'm going to have to try the red baron someday)

Anonymous said...

Y'all need to come to Columbus for our Pride weekend--sources say that it's the gayest weekend in the Midwest.