Thursday, December 07, 2006

study break

with two more craft fairs to go and a few wholesale and individual orders to fill before the holidays, it's like finals around here: early mornings, late nights, the apartment's a mess, and we keep wearing the same thing over and over again.

but who says we can't have "study" breaks? last night, we had our own threadless t-shirt photo shoot @ ashbloem and davey's place.

Threadless Pix
Threadless Pix


Ashbloem said...

That was so fun....

k* said...

hey, ladies!! how's it going? have you recovered from the craftacular yet? we were 'aisle-mates' i'm k*m with the dept. of craft (girl in the red dress) - just wanted to pop in and say hullo, i found your blog thru my friend liz//zeebatronic!


ann & dabney said...

of course, k*, so good of you to say HELLO... isn't that funny we both know Z. and we were right across the way from each other?!

don't be a stranger-


Jeff G said...

I just got a LOCHNESS IMPOSTER t too!!