Tuesday, August 01, 2006

and more babies

these days, everywhere ann and dabney turn there are adorable children. and more often than not, it's their friends who are multiplying at not-so-surprising rates. which brings them to this little cutie, sofia, who just a few short weeks ago was living in the tummy of this gorgeous woman with whom ann and dabney happened to have lunch the day she was born. (while mom says it was the stimulating company that sparked her labor, ann and dabney are convinced it was the delicious gourmet sandwiches that did it.)

this weekend, they had the opportunity to attend miss sofia's post-birth baby shower.

Sofia & Valerie
baby sofia and brand new mama

Jon & Valerie
brand new papa and baby sofia

with all these infants popping up, not a week goes by without someone asking ann and dabney whether or not they are going have kids anytime soon. their answer: until one of these generous men steps up (hello there! please, oh please!!!), it's not likely to happen anytime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's AMAZING! Please, show us the kitchen when it's done. You have the touch!