Tuesday, July 18, 2006

feidler and the fan. a love story, interrupted.


as ann was getting ready to leave for seattle, dabney stupidly opened her mouth and said that she'd try to clean the bedroom closet this week. so today, while feidler hogged the circulating air, dab slogged it out in the heat to get it done.

the before:


the after:


halfway through all the cleaning, ann pix messaged a photo of herself tubing down some river in the middle of washington state, with butt and feet immersed in ice cold water. when dabney told feidler this, his already hot hairy little body threatened to out and out combust, starting with the eyeballs. not even his fan could sooth him.

see feidler, mad:



Unknown said...

Good job, girl, good job.

carlessinnebraska said...

I know a great little house in the Omaha ghetto that needs some re-organization.....