Thursday, March 25, 2010

and then there were three

remember these ugly things?  back in december, the city plopped four giant concrete planters? in the middle of our street unbeknownst to us or any of our neighbors.  the endeavor required a bulldozer and three workmen.

last night at 2 AM, a speedy, and we presumed drunk, driver took out one these giant heavy concrete objects in one quick blow. 

DSCF8846 (by ann-dabney)

the s.u.v. responsible landed just to the right of the white car below after using it as its own personal backstop.

DSCF8847 (by ann-dabney)

what was most astounding - a large chunk of the planter ended up thirty yards down the street.

DSCF8848 (by ann-dabney)

luckily, no one was hurt. 

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