Monday, June 19, 2006

where to begin? renegade, part 1

let's just get the heat comments out of the way. IMG_5668 it was hot this past weekend. almost philippines hot. except, in the philippines, ann and dabney aren't setting up tents and sitting all day in said heat to sell their wares.

okay, weather now documented, they had a great weekend. it's amazing what a difference a year makes. last year they showed up, unfolded a table, and laid out a few items and then waited to see what happened.

this year, they went all out. they had thrice the inventory, they hung banners, they displayed posters, they strung dowels - they had nametags for christ sake. walking around the park those two days, they had all those warm fuzzy feelings when making the rounds and waving to people they now know. they were pros! they were amongst their peeps! it felt just as good as when the dry cleaner in their 'hood waves hello as they walk by with feidler. so, hello again sumana! howdy devon! amy! and stella! jennifer! and deb! megan and erin! annie!

The Fred Flare Guys: Keith & Chrisit's just too bad that chris and keith came over to interview ann and dabney for the lovely fredflare video podcast. ann and dabney made complete and utter asses of themselves. they were sweaty, near-deflated messes, not their usual hilarious, articulate selves. if it ever airs, they can only hope that it is edited and edited wisely.

but wait. just when they thought they were done, chris and keith introduced a new, fresh horror. they asked a & d to sing their catchy, stick-in-your-head sparkle pop song. "not to worry," they said, "we'll dub your tone-deaf voices, so the only thing left is the searing image of you both bouncing up and down while dancing and mouthing the words." who could say no to that?

(psst! chris and keith: thanks! you made their day. ann and dabney firmly believe that everybody needs to be humiliated every now and then. plus, you gave them something to obsess over on the three-hour car ride home to boston. the trip flew by.)

a recap of renegade wouldn't be complete without a list of favorites items from the fair. in no particular order:

amy tavern. (both ann and dabney love her jewelry. they finally got to meet her in person and she is sweet, sweet, sweet.)

etui's beautiful prints (while there, ann and dabney finally confessed to julie that her prints are framed and over every inch of their apartment.)

marcie mcgoldrick's porcelain pendants. (dabney bought two and refuses to take them off all summer. four other people they know also snapped up her jewelry.)

the small object. a & d loved sarah's thumbed family portraits. hilarious.

and perhaps best of all, lillet's tatooedcraftygirlscarybirdmonsterplushtoy- the dark horse of the weekend. lillet, craft needs you more than rock n' roll.

Lillet & Monster


  1. hi guys! loved your recap and pics. i'm sure you were super hot out their (in more ways than one!) but looks like you had a great time!

  2. Thanks for the recap! The heat was better than the rain--admit it!
