Wednesday, March 15, 2006

media literacy 101 recently wrote about a great exercise testing the power of branding. a group of people were asked to draw well-known logos, completely from memory.

of course, ann and dabney wanted to find out how they'd do. they each came up with a list of companies, and both jotted down their immediate impressions. ann's are on the left; dabney's show up on the right-hand column.

pepsilogo annpepsi.gif dabpepsi.jpg
this was an easy one. it took ann a minute to visualize it, but it was easy after that.

shelllogo annshell.gifdabshell.jpg
again, pretty straightforward. although, ann's does look like a peacock.

vwlogo annvw.gif dabvw.jpg
this logo was easy to remember, but a little hard for dab to get just right.

cadillaclogo anncadi.gif dabcadi.jpg
ann had a good sense of this to begin with, although she might have conflated two car logos. obviously, dab had no clue.

atarilogo annatari.gif dabatari.jpg
dabney had a vague idea of what it should look like. this time, ann had no clue.

mogologoshort annmogo.gif dabmogo
this is quite pathetic.

here are the results from the original exercise. the peugeot ones are pretty funny.

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