Tuesday, February 14, 2006

stuck at the airport (pt. 1)

the airport gods don't seem to be with ann and dabney this week. now, they are stuck in the austin airport for an extra four hours due to their plane's mechanical problems. so, to keep them (and you) occupied, here are some pictures and observations from the past week.

austin is undoubtedly a strange place... in the best possible way. nothing is standardized, over-zoned, or prescribed. people seems to be doing what they want, where they want, in an organic way.

an example of its famous oddballness is places like this. in the suburbs of south austin, one can find, with the help of a map, the cathedral of junk. the cathedral is made of 60 tons of junk collected over 15 years and carefully wired together to make a ... well, you decide.








the artist, vince, had a good point when questioned about his creation, "how often does one get a chance to create a public attraction?" he didn't set out to make it, but it just evolved that way.


and then, lest you get an immediate impression of austin, this house was two doors down. ann and dabney noticed a lot of contemporary architecture springing up among the more traditional houses in the burbs, which, of course, they loved.


1 comment:

  1. wandered onto your blog via elizalou and have to say that i'm really glad y'all enjoyed austin. it's a great place, really ... the more time you get to spend there, the better it gets too. just forget the fact that bushie-boy used to live there. whenever someone wonders about him in my presence and the idea that he came from texas i always remind them that really, he was born in CONNECTICUT. he's not a real texan. how dare he tarnish us that way.

    anyhoo ... back to austin ... like i said, glad you enjoyed it. come back soon, y'all.

