Wednesday, September 21, 2005

everyone should look that good getting out of prison...

if anyone caught susan lucci's comment on martha's new show this past week, they were not alone. ann and dabney tivoed martha's first week of episodes, and sat down to watch them for the first time a couple of nights ago.

it's a slightly surreal experience, watching the lifestyle diva talk about the nachos she microwaved in prison, the crab apple jelly she made in prison, the scarf she crocheted in prison, the people she met in prison, and the cheese grater she prison. it's totally the right way to go - addressing her stint in the pokey head on and with humor, but so far mark burnett's little humanization project is a little over the top. even the theme song to the show asks us to take a fresh look at the 64-year-old. so far, celebrity-assisted projects have included folding a t-shirt and making scrambled eggs. although ann and dabney are happy to see her back in the saddle again, it will be interesting to see if she returns to the thing that they love best, which is showing folks how to do something they didn't know how to do before.

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