Tuesday, May 24, 2005

shuffle camouflage

ann couldn't wait for her latest online loot to arrive -- camouflage for her ipod shuffle in the form of wrigley's gum. hopefully, she won't get it mixed up with the real thing. though, the flavor is about the same after the first two minutes.


if you want one for yourself, you can find it here at decalgirl.com

on a related note, ann has a theory about shuffle mode. she firmly believes that shuffle has its good days and bad days. when the shuffle gods are pleased, her ipod will rock out picking just the right tunes for the mood. some days though, it's so off, it jumps from one obscure track to random b-side blah. does anyone else experience this phenomenon?

1 comment:

  1. There was actually a fellow who did a spot on NPR about this. He felt that "shuffle" wasn't truly random - for the reasons you say, but apparently his iPod seemed to have a preference for Bob Segar. Anyway, he spoke with a mathmetician about probability blah blah blah, and the mathmetician said that it is INDEED a random program but the human mind looks for patterns even when there aren't any. It's just how we are wired.

    So I guess what I am saying is maybe YOU are having a good day when it seems your Shuffle is, and YOU are having a bad day when your Shuffle does too, and that's why you read it as such.

    I would suggest you track your good/bad mood against your Shuffle good/bad days. And then make a nice graphic about it, because I like well-done informational graphics.
