Wednesday, April 20, 2005

operation clean dog

yesterday ann and dabney hung out with friend lauren of watertown fame, and her endlessly amusing corgihuaua, chelsea. the original plan was to give chelsea and feidler baths, but after a visit to the vet earlier that morning, chelsea wasn't having any of it and took to her bed. lauren, ann, dabney and feidler headed off instead to shaggy's, a self-serve dog wash deep in the heart of the 'burbs.

shaggy's is a mystical magical place for dog owners. instead of wrestling with their 65 lb. pup in the bath tub, ann & dabney simply walk feidler inside and up a ramp into a large steel tub on stilts. in a feat of ingenuity, shaggy's features the same technology as self-serve car washes (no wonder - shaggy's owner also owns the car wash next door). insert coins. turn dial to alternately rinse, shampoo, and de-flea. when the 2 minute bell chimes, insert more coins if needed. when dog is done, simply walk him back down the ramp and out the door. they even have hair dryers and nail clippers on hand for extra preening. all this for under $5. which means no need to clean dog hair out of your drain. and no chasing his wet dog self around the house with a towel.

ann and dabney have the process down to a science. they even wear raincoats to avoid the inevitable drenching when feidler shakes off water. here's a glimpse.


the unexpected bonus of the day was stumbling across ben & jerry's free cone day.


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